Office of the
State Fire Marshal


Firework Legislation

Fireworks Display Permits & Licensing

2024 Fireworks Press Release

Fireworks Brochure

The Delaware Office of the State Fire Marshal reminds all citizens and visitors of Delaware that fireworks can cause serious injuries or death. Projectiles from exploded fireworks can cause eye injuries, burns, and amputations of fingers. An estimated 11,900 people were treated in the nation’s hospitals in 2015 for injuries related to the use of fireworks. The highest number of injuries (8,000) occurred around the July Fourth holiday.

The Fireworks law under the Delaware Criminal Code was amended to:

  • Certain fireworks as defined in Title 16/Chapter 69 are illegal to possess, sell, or use in the State of Delaware.
  • Sparklers and ground based items may be purchased by someone that is 18+ years old and sold in Delaware only on these dates: June 4th – July 4th, and December 1st – January 1st.
  • Sparklers and ground based items may ONLY be used in Delaware on July 4th, the third day of Diwali, December 31st, and January 1st.

Please leave fireworks in the hands of professionals by attending a professional fireworks show in lieu of creating your own show. The public displays are conducted by licensed professionals and the firework sites are inspected and receive approval prior to the events.

Penalties for the misuse of fireworks or possession of illegal fireworks are misdemeanors subject to a fine. Damage or injuries caused by the use of fireworks can result in felony charges.

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